My Hearts Whispers ~

♥♥ The miracle is
not to fly in the air,
or to walk on water,
but to be with you. ♥♥

When U shall come to meet me to be just mine
I shall wear pink flowers and sprinkle the scents of your name
I shall wear trinkets with little bells that chime with your rhymes,
I shall dance in poesies to the music of your words that U write for this dame

I shall breath warmth into the moist palms of your heart,
I shall walk soft in the glory of your jingling magical verses..
Then do me a favor, pen me a poem , only for me,
for my kohled eyes, lovely lips & careless tresses 😉

I shall wear wreaths of your tingling kisses
And The posies shall be fragrant of your cologne
When we shall be sans world, only in arms of each others’ company
When we shall walk together the sunrise beaches , the two alone ~~

But that cannot be?
So Listen my Soul,
listen to my whisper quietly ~
Fly to freedom tonight, fly free.

Fly away forever to reach that is thine

the one who is mine, reach to him thee,
it is time for both to mingle with eternity.
Fly, fly thee!! Flutter away, release this body !!